Reactive HTML notebooks
Max Bo
... JOB: SWE ... AGE: 28 ... LOC: SYD ... LANG: EN-AU ... BLOOD: O+ ...
Reactive HTML notebooks
How many QMS advertising panels in Sydney are near a Telstra public telephone?
Perceptually uniform color models
Which groundhog is the best prognosticator?
How to tell someone's age when all you know is their name
Hello, notebook-http
Subordinate Latin
+ a typeface inspector
Is sending Factorio to your competitors' engineers a cost-effective means of sabotage?
Plotting a black hole
I am currently living in Sydney, Australia.
It is:
A library for building reactive HTML notebooks
A Web Components-based referencing system for HTML documents
Model UN committee management service
Digital dollhouse
HTML in Hyde
Genre map explorer for Spotify
Favicon API and cache
Royal Game of Ur positional risk calculator
2019/2022 House of Reps booth swings
Informal voting in the 2019/2022 federal elections
Maximum distance to desired amenities
Rent vs Mortgage
Color schemes under color vision deficiency
IMC Prosperity 2 visualizer
Foundation shades
Every Fragrance at Once
CSS gradient generator
Named color "wheel"
Sanrio character rankings
Sydney traffic light timings
Generative music framework
HCT/Oklab deltas
Investigatory data visualisation
Richard Burns Rally telemetry visualizer
DiRT Rally [2.0] pacenotes reader
Wordle solver
Digital friendship bracelet maker
an ode to my favorite HTML element
Photo finish maker
the coalition for housing diversity.
Lucy's skincare favorites
Australian House of Reps division cartograms
Utility wrapper
Bank failures
Regional NSW station patronage
Hello, Mixbox
Interactive visualisation of paint mixing
Hello, Spectral.js
Another interactive visualisation of paint mixing
Hello, sql.js-httpvfs
Utility wrapper for a SQLite.js VFS client
Hello, Sparks
Utility wrapper for a typeface for creating sparklines in text
Hello, PRQL
Utility wrapper for an alternative SQL syntax
Hello, ln.js
Vector-based 3D renderer
Hello, protobuf.js
Reactive HTML notebooks
Intro to Parser Combinators
Intermediate Data Visualisation
Talk & interactive notebooks
Intro to Property Based Testing
A tour of Scala
Lecture series & teaching aide
Some JavaScript features
Talk & interactive notebook
Cosmetic alternatives recommendation engine
AI t-shirt generator
Polling booth voronois
WALS Online language map
Mapper of language linguistic features
Rank Your Music
Resorter of existing Rate Your Music ratings
Screenreader extension for Neovim
UQ-exclusive schedule sharing app
Fonts from Typothèque Bye Bye Binary. Inspiration from SILO & LOW←TECH MAGAZINE. Some graphics are Observable Plot. Weather data from Open-Meteo.