/libertine, /bibhtml


chiocciolina (Italian: small snail)

@celine/celine is library for building reactive HTML notebooks with display: block contenteditable <script> elements. It wraps a subset of the Observable Notebook runtime to power inter-cell reactivity, just like Observable Framework and Quarto. It aims to make it easier to publish research as HTML files rather than as PDF files.

I initially considered calling this library incel, short for inline cell, but was advised against it.

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GitHub MaxwellBo/celine + /issues License MIT
JSR jsr.io/@celine/celine + /docs Version 3.0.0,

Table of Contents


Add the following <script> element to your HTML file's <head> block:

Link cell.css in your <head> block:

  href="https://esm.sh/jsr/@celine/[email protected]/cell.css" />

You may want to include @celine/celine's drop-in stylesheet, libertine.css:

  href="https://esm.sh/jsr/@celine/[email protected]/libertine.css" />

Demo: Observable Plot + SQLite

Try removing a 0 from the WHERE condition, then click away from the <script> to blur and reevaluate.


The following <styles>s are marked contenteditable and reevaluate on edit.


The .echo class can display <script> and <style> elements inline, using a font with built-in syntax highlighting.


The .reflect class forces <script> and <style> elements to display their opening and closing tags, type, class, id, and contenteditable attributes (a little trick from This page is a truly naked, brutalist html quine).

All of the following <script>s are marked contenteditable and reevaluate on blur.

celine.cell(name, [inputs, ]definition)

The cell constructor declares a reactive cell called "${name}".

The definition can be T or (...inputs) => T, where T can be object, Promise<?>, Iterator<?>, or AsyncIterator<?>.

Cells render their current value above an element that has an id the same as the cell's name. Thus, to render the counter value above the <script>, we set id="counter" on the <script>:

The cell constructor accepts inputs, a list of other cell names to depend on.

Here we use Hypertext Literal's html template literal, to transform the value of another cell:

A <script> declaring a cell can be hidden inside a <details>s element.

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To display the cell's current value above the <details> element, rather than above the <script>, we add id="hue" to the <details> element, as the cell's name is "hue":

celine.viewof(name, [inputs, ]definition)

The viewof constructor is a special constructor designed to work with Observable Inputs.

It declares 2 reactive cells: a cell called "${name}", and a cell called "viewof ${name}" - one for the value, and one for the DOM element itself.

To display the DOM element above another element <script>, set id="viewof ${name}" on the element to which the input should be prepended.

Here, we want to display an input above the <script> element, so we set id="viewof password" on the <script>:

We still have to depend on the cell called "password" to use the input's value:

For further information on how to create custom inputs, see the Synchronized Inputs guide.

celine.silentCell(name, [inputs, ]definition)

The silentCell constructor declares a cell that doesn't try to display its current value anywhere.

celine.mutable(name, value) / celine.silentMutable(name, value)

The mutable (and silentMutable) constructor declares a cell and returns a reference that can be mutated. Mutations propagate to cells that depend upon it.

celine.library / Observable standard library

There are many useful utilities in the Observable standard library. Inspect the contents of the celine.library object:



Because rendering TeX is so useful, @celine/celine provides a shorthand template literal, celine.tex:

Because cells render their contents display: inline (celine ⇒ cell inline), we can embed the script in the middle of the <p> element.

In non-demonstration use, we'd also leave off the .echo and .reflect classes, to render inline.

To render TeX centered, wrap the <script> with a <div style="text-align: center">:

Both tex template literals are unconfigurable. You will need to import the KaTeX library proper if you'd like to modify any of its options.



Markdown also has a shorthand template literal, celine.md:




1st-party library pairings


@celine/libertine provides a stylesheet based around the Linux Libertine typeface, one common in academic typesetting.

Information about it lives on a subpage, /libertine.


@celine/bibhtml is a Web Components-based referencing system for HTML documents.

Information about it lives on a subpage, /bibhtml.

3rd-party library pairings

Some libraries that pair well with @celine/celine are:


Pyodide is a port of CPython to WebAssembly.


WebR is a version of the statistical language R compiled for the browser using WebAssembly, via Emscripten.

References Web Component

References Web Component, an experimental pair of Web Components for citing and referencing sources in a wiki-like manner.

Add the following <script> element to your HTML file's <head> block:

<script src="https://lab.avl.la/references-webcomponent/references-wc.js"></script>

The Sun is hot.

  The Sun is hot.<cite-web url="https://www.nasa.gov/sun" author="Brian Dunbar" title="The Sun | NASA" publisher="National Aeronautics and Space Administration" date="2017-08-03" access-date="2021-08-30" data-refid="3" id="cite3"></cite-web>

<references-list style="font-family: 'Libertinus Sans', sans-serif;">


Penrose, a system for creating beautiful diagrams just by typing notation in plain text.

Using the Using Penrose with Vanilla JS instructions:

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Bloom lets you build optimization-driven interactive diagrams in JavaScript.

Try dragging the circles around!

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@celine/celine uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

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